NAS Abatement Program Summary

The Trust Advisory Committee (the “TAC”) will award a total of approximately $1,000,000 to support this initiative. The NAS Mallinckrodt Monitoring Trust expects to fund two or three grants based on recommendations from the TAC. Maximum awards of $250,000 per year are available for projects extending over two or three years.
Application & Eligibility
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Purpose of the NAS Abatement Program

Provide funding for research or implementation projects focused on children diagnosed with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (“NAS”) at birth or within the 4 weeks of birth through exposure to prenatal opioids during their mother’s pregnancy. Grant recipients will use the grant funds to create NAS Abatement Programs that focus on preparing children with a history of NAS to be ready to enter or to succeed in school, early intervention to improve outcomes for mother and child, and providing resources and solutions for the NAS community.
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Mallinckrodt NAS Monitoring Trust Abatement Program

The NAS Monitoring Trust was established to distribute grant funds to support research or implementation projects focused on children diagnosed with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (“NAS”) at birth or within the 4 weeks of birth through exposure to prenatal opioids during their mother’s pregnancy.
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